


The chemigram process is a super-experimental printmaking process. A chemigram is made by painting with chemicals on photographic paper and lies within the general domain of experimentation in the visual arts. It requires the use of materials from silver halide-based photography (light-sensitive paper, developer, and fixer), but it is not a photograph. Like the photogram, the chemigram is made without a camera, yet it is created in full light instead of in the darkness of the darkroom.
This four-hour workshop will explore how everyday household items such as coffee, lemon, toothpaste, mayonnaise, etc. can be used to create mysterious and surprising images. Expect the unexpected!

No previous photography or darkroom experience necessary.
All materials required to produce six prints included in the fee (additional paper available to purchase on the day, or bring your own).

The workshop takes place at the Factory Studios in Bournemouth and can accommodate 4 participants (aged 14 or above) at the same time.

Price: £60/person (including materials)

Dates: Call me for availability

For further information or to book over the phone, please call me on +44 7588 940490
Or email me to

I also provide One to one tuition in lumen printing. Just give me a ring for more information!
The content is decided by you and delivered at a pace to suit your level and prior knowledge.